keep list of unapi server (and lanudry list ;-)
Any serious validation should use Ed Summers's excellent validator , although I may still update information in this page (2006-03-08) while playing with unapi_link script, I notice some unapi site are not 100% unapi compliant, and actually reveal some interesting questions about unapi itself. Before edsu has a test tool running, I need keep a record and to repeat Alan Kent's philosphy "Nothing like airing dirty laundry to get people to clean up their act! :-)". I will try to keep the list up-to-date. A common pitfall list is also created below.
Notice I am doing manual testing, so I apologize for any fault at my side.
quaedam pass
2) a) a trailing "?" in unapi link. (notice the spec said no trailing ?)
b) request to a dissemination doesn't return right value
wikidclient-side xslt render is required. not sure how to handle this, because we cannot expect all client has an xslt rendering ability, I would like to say unapi server must explicitly support HTML page.
opa4.1) doesn't return json in formats request.
4.2) no site formats list, I think unapi should clarify relationship between site and individual formats list. The wording of OAI-PMH is more precise: "If this argument (identifier) is omitted, then the response includes all metadata formats supported by this repository." In this case I think an empty list is correct. In particular, I think unapi can be cleaner by following how to deal with ListMetadataFormats in OAI-PMH.
5) unapi_link
need handle relative path in unapi link.
Notice is also has a page explicitly exposing unAPI links.
canarydatabase export7)
evergreenit doesn't work with unapi_link, still looking for the reason.
Common pitfalls
1) use href instead of xhref in UNAPI link
2) The trailing "?" is explicitly forbidden in unAPI spec.
Please leave a comment or send me an email if any question